Thank God It’s Monday(?)
The Definitive Field Guide to Humorously Navigating Faith at Work
Jealousy. Selfishness. Greed. Stale breakroom donuts.
The world of work is not the easiest place to practice our Christian faith. In fact, sometimes it can feel like faith and work are about as far apart as Medieval re-enactors and brussels sprouts (although both are equally annoying).
Thank God It’s Monday(?) explores the 24½ most common conflicts between faith and work, describing how Tom did the opposite of what he should have done, but found encouragement through Scriptural insight to do better next time.

Tom C. Petersen
Welcome to the digital gateway to author Tom C. Petersen and his book, “Thank God It’s Monday(?): Balancing Work and Faith While Keeping Your Sense of Humor.”
This is where you will find what I’m writing, what I’ve written, and what I wish I hadn’t written, but did, so now I live with the consequences.
I’m a long-time professional public relations practitioner, husband, and father, who has a real heart to encourage Christians in the workplace. If I can find something funny in the process, that’s even better.

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Out in Public
Despite his reclusive nature, Tom has begun to step outside – and outside his comfort zone – to engage with the world.
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